"Vladislavs Goļikovs" is a series of works that was started in 2014. Every year a new work is created, which consists of 29 my passport photos made old. This work is closely related to my family's photographic archive. I never met my grandfather Vladislav Golikov alive, he died eight years before I was born. I can see in the photos that he was a handsome man. His face is familiar and gentle. The work is based on my grandfather's passport photo taken 72 years ago. This photo is loved and I love it too. The paper is worn out, affected by time and the touch of hands, it has become like a museum relic - an artifact of love. In this photo, he is 29 years old, he is young, but the folds and scratches of the paper look like wrinkles on the top layer of the photo, which has hardened over time, as if the weight of life has been pressed on his face. The life he lived but had no idea of when this picture was taken. I am young now and my skin is still smooth, just like his 72 years ago."Vladislav Golikov" is a series of several miniature works where I made my passport photo history. Based on his photograph, I created a replica of the same aging on my image. I painted time, folded time, scratched time. This work is a deeply personal meeting of two close people who never met in real life. At the same time, it also highlights the reality that almost every modern person faces - most photographs will remain immaterial and will not experience their own aging. My photos will most likely stay forever "young" or they will disappear altogether with some data carrier. No one will be able to carry my photo in their chest pocket, because the photo simply won't exist. I myself will create physical evidence that I was.
4 x 3
frame - 10 x 170